How Does Your Garden Grow?

It only took until May, but it is ALMOST acting and looking like spring.  I was able to go outside in a t-shirt, there are buds on the trees, the lawn is turning green.

Well, some of the lawn.  We have a lot of that dormant stuff that stays yellow for an awful long time.  At least we haven’t had to mow the lawn yet.

Another interesting observation; does anyone else notice a CRAZY amount of ticks this year?  I have lived in the woods all my life and I never even had a tick crawl on me.  This year, my mom pulls them off the dog in handfuls, I had them crawling all over me, Nick had one IN him, ugh.  Today, he walked to the shed, put some things away, and came back with two on him.

But I digress.

Our house has a TON of flower beds around it.  Since we bought the house in November, we never had a chance to see what blooms where.  And seeing as spring was so late this year, a lot of things are still only just coming up.

And I don’t have a lot of patience.

With that being said, buying flowers is my new addiction.  The more colors, the better.  I have no restraint.  I have been planting every weekend, whether it’s flowers in the ground, herbs in window boxes, or seeds in paper cups.  I run a “Garden Class” for enrichment at school.  My kids are giving little flower pots to their moms for Mother’s Day.

I’m still not sure if I have a green thumb yet.  Hopefully, it’s something I inherited from my grandmother, who can nurse even the deadest of plants back to life.

So let’s take a look at some current projects and goings-on


This was PROJECT #1.  The one thing I had been dying to do since move in day.  A HUGE chunk of decorative grass used to be here.  I hate decorative grass.  It blocked the entire view of the steps.  So one day, Nick’s mom and I grabbed shovels and dug and hacked away at it until it was gone.  Some other plants have since popped up, but I was adamant on planting bulbs.  Walmart was running a special on tulips and hyacinths.  Obviously I planted a rainbow.  I also put gladiola bulbs in the ground, which are just starting to make an appearance.

Seeing as we are coming up on a slew of patriotic holidays (Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day) I went with the red, white and blue theme for decorations.  The flag and other touches really makes me feel like we are living in a classic All-American home.


I’d also been dying to get some flowers in this planter at the base of my driveway.  The green glass balls were left behind, and until I find something I like better, they will stay.  I love marigolds because they are so hardy and simple, and I found these dahlia-like beauties at Stew Leonard’s the other day.  The forsythia in the back needs some serious taming, so that’s on the to-do list.


This bed is my current area of concern.  It is on the corner of the lot, and it just looks tired.  There are some plants popping up, and I am giving them a chance, but until then, I added some impatients and little Gerber daisies.  Just something to try and brighten this area up.  The marigolds might go in here as well, if I have any left after my Mother’s Day projects at school.



I am trying my hand out at refinishing these heavy heavy HEAVY deck planters.  I am not sure yet whether they will be going on the railing or on the edge of the porch, but I am excited.  Eventually, they will be a navy blue to accent the red shutters.  For now, they are primed.  As an aside; today I learned that gray primer exists, because apparently it’s what I bought.

Also in the background; what will hopefully be herb boxes.  I planted basil, oregano and cilantro.  A few green sprouts are just starting to make an appearance.  Stay posted for this one.



This was a very pleasant discovery today.  We have SO many birds.  We have a male and female cardinal family that I am so madly in love with.  We have a little pair of wrens building a nest in this old birdhouse on a shepherd’s hook.  And we have been seeing robins with mouthfuls of twigs and straw.  Well, we found their destination.  As you can see, it is currently empty, but I am hoping we get some eggs soon!


No sooner than I talked about my little cardinal buddy, he was at our window feeder.  Which apparently needs to be cleaned badly, but how cool is he?

It was a lovely, productive weekend!